Physicians Medical/Legal Consultants of Texas
Physicians Helping Attorneys Helping People
How Can We Help You?
Call: (281) 705-6690
Dr. Sheridan has been practicing medicine for over 30 years. Initially board certified in family medicine, his experience included adult and pediatric medicine as well as non-surgical orthopedics and sports medicine. More recently, he has branced into natural/alternative medicine. This has served to broaden his perspective in both diagnostic and treatment methods.
Now, Dr. Shericdan has joined with other doctors across the country in pursuing the emerging and exciting field of medical/legal consulting. These doctors helping lawyers helping people provide pre-trial/pre-litigation consultation to enable lawyers to increase case value, decrease attorney time and do so without breaking the bank.
These doctors have consulted on several hundred legal cases covering a broad range of medical issues and questions. They provide consultation in personal injury, Workers Compensation, insurance bad faith, and many other kinds of cases. They have sat in and observed hundreds of Independant Medical Exams and written hundreds of IME rebuttal reports.
In addition, they have written hundreds of medical summary reports for settlement demand letters and researched hundreds of medical issues & questions in legal cases.
As as group, these doctors represent hundreds of years of experience in general medicine, surgery and psychiatry. They have extensive experience concerning Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. This more recent concept in medicine recognizes that even mild trauma may result in significant brain trauma whose effects may be delayed for months. This is possible even without direct head traume being experienced.
We also have access to a wide range of physicians in several specialties with whom we can consult or should we feel the case is best served by a particular specialist.
Currently, Dr. Sheridan has an active Texas medical license.